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Nurse Practitioner NP-PHC:

Anna Pelleboer

Botox & Dysport

Discover the transformative power of Botox and Dysport treatments at Cambridge Skin and Wellness. We offer these FDA-approved, purified protein treatments to smooth wrinkles, enhance facial aesthetics, and provide relief from certain medical conditions. Experience rejuvenation like never before.

a close up of a woman 's face with a smile on her face .
a woman is getting a botox injection in her forehead .

Understanding Botox & Dysport

Botox and Dysport are FDA-approved treatments derived from the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. These purified proteins work by blocking nerve signals to the muscles, reducing muscle contractions and smoothing wrinkles for a rejuvenated appearance.

Beyond cosmetic enhancements, these treatments also provide relief for medical conditions like migraines and excessive sweating. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction, utilizing these trusted treatments to help you achieve your aesthetic and wellness goals.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her face .
portrait of a smiling woman touching her face over gray background

Benefits of Our Botox and Dysport Services

Enhancing Natural Beauty

At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, our Botox and Dysport services aim to subtly enhance your natural beauty. By carefully targeting specific muscles, we can smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, providing a rejuvenated, youthful appearance without altering your ability to make facial expressions.

Versatile Treatment Option

Our Botox and Dysport services offer versatility. Beyond cosmetic enhancements, these treatments can alleviate medical conditions such as migraines, bruxism, and excessive sweating, showcasing the dual power of these treatments in addressing both aesthetic and wellness concerns.

Expert Administration

With our Botox and Dysport services, you receive treatment from highly trained and experienced medical providers. This ensures accurate administration and minimizes potential side effects, offering you a safe, effective, and comfortable treatment experience.

Your Guide to Botox & Dysport Treatments

Embarking on a journey with Botox and Dysport treatments starts with understanding who they are designed for and how the process unfolds. Ideal candidates for these treatments include individuals seeking to smooth wrinkles, enhance facial aesthetics, or alleviate medical conditions such as migraines and excessive sweating. However, they are not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, and those with certain neurological or immunological diseases. 

Prior to treatment, it's advised to avoid certain medications and alcohol, and to come in with a clean face. During the procedure, our experienced medical providers will administer the treatments in the target areas. Post-treatment, clients should refrain from lying down for 4 hours, avoid touching the treated areas, and avoid activities that may lead to facial flushing. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we guide you through every step, ensuring a safe and satisfying experience.

a woman with curly hair is smiling and touching her face .
a woman with curly hair is smiling and touching her face .

What to Expect: Results, Duration, and Safety

Botox and Dysport treatments offer noticeable improvements in your skin's appearance and relief from certain medical conditions. The results typically manifest between 2-5 days post-treatment, with the full effect evident by 2-3 weeks. For cosmetic purposes, these rejuvenating effects last around 3-4 months, while for medical applications, they can extend beyond six months.

While these treatments are generally safe, potential side effects may include pain or bruising at the injection site, headaches, and localized muscle weakness. In rare cases, incorrect injections can lead to more serious complications. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we prioritize your safety. Our medical practitioners possess extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and pharmacology, ensuring accurate treatment application. We follow strict safety measures, minimizing risks and providing a secure, effective treatment experience.

a close up of a syringe in front of a woman 's face
a close up of a syringe in front of a woman 's face


At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we understand that you may have questions about our Botox and Dysport services. We've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to help you better understand these treatments and make informed decisions about your skin health.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • What is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

    Botox and Dysport are both botulinum toxin type A injectables that are derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. While they both work by blocking nerve signals to the muscles, causing temporary muscle relaxation and wrinkle smoothing, there are subtle differences between the two. Dysport has a slightly different protein coating and is often described as spreading out more after injection, which can make it a better choice for treating larger areas like extensive forehead wrinkles. However, this increased diffusion could also potentially lead to more side effects if used in smaller, more precise areas. On the other hand, Botox does not spread as much after injection, offering more precision for targeting specific muscles or treating smaller areas. The choice between Botox and Dysport will depend on the specific treatment area, the patient's individual response, and the provider's expertise. During your consultation at Cambridge Skin and Wellness, our expert providers will discuss these options with you to determine the best treatment plan for your unique needs and goals.

  • Are Botox and Dysport treatments painful?

    The experience of pain or discomfort during Botox and Dysport treatments can vary among individuals, but most patients report minimal discomfort. The treatments involve a series of small injections using very fine needles. While these may cause a slight pinching or prickling sensation, they are generally well-tolerated by most people. However, everyone's pain threshold is different. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we prioritize your comfort during all procedures. If you are concerned about pain, we can apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area before the procedure. This can help to numb the skin and further minimize any discomfort. Our medical providers have extensive experience and training in administering these treatments and use very precise techniques to ensure a comfortable experience for you.

  • Can Botox and Dysport treatments look natural?

    Absolutely. One of the key benefits of Botox and Dysport treatments is their ability to provide a naturally rejuvenated and refreshed look when administered properly. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, our goal is not to alter your appearance drastically or give you a "frozen" look. Instead, we aim to enhance your natural beauty by smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines in a way that still allows for normal facial expressions and movement. We carefully calibrate the dosage and placement of these treatments based on a thorough assessment of your facial anatomy, skin condition, and aesthetic goals. By doing so, we can ensure that the results look natural, balanced, and harmonious. Our expert providers have a deep understanding of facial aesthetics and use a careful, conservative approach to ensure the results enhance your features without looking overdone. The end result is a more youthful, refreshed look that still feels like you.

Hear from Our Happy Customers

Embrace a New You: Book Your Appointment Today!

Embarking on a journey to better skin health and renewed confidence is just a click away! At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we make scheduling your Botox or Dysport appointment easy and convenient. Let our team of skilled professionals guide you towards achieving your aesthetic goals. Whether you're looking to smooth out wrinkles, lift brows, or treat medical conditions, we're here to help. Don't wait to start your transformation – book your appointment today and step into a world where beauty, wellness, and science come together seamlessly.

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