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Nurse Practitioner NP-PHC:

Anna Pelleboer


Experience transformative skin rejuvenation with our Microneedling service at Cambridge Skin and Wellness. Harnessing your body's natural collagen production, we improve skin texture, treat acne, scars, wrinkles, and more, for healthier, younger-looking skin.

a woman is smiling and touching her face with her hands .
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .

Understanding Microneedling

Microneedling is a versatile procedure that addresses a variety of skin issues. Its primary use is to enhance skin texture, making it smoother and more youthful-looking. It effectively treats acne, reducing inflammation and preventing future breakouts. The procedure also minimizes large pores, leading to a more refined complexion.

Additionally, microneedling is a powerful tool in the fight against scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles, promoting the growth of new skin cells and enhancing collagen production. Even stretch marks can be significantly reduced. Post-treatment, clients can expect visibly improved skin health, with results becoming progressively better over time. 

a woman is smiling and touching her face with her fingers .
a man is getting a botox injection in his forehead .

Benefits of Our Microneedling Service

Better Product Absorption

Our microneedling process creates micro-channels in the skin, allowing for deeper and more effective absorption of topical creams, serums, and gels. This enhancement maximizes their benefits, leading to more noticeable and long-lasting results.

Personalized Treatments

At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we understand that every skin is unique. Therefore, we offer personalized microneedling treatments tailored to address your specific skin concerns, ensuring you receive the most beneficial and effective care possible.

Minimal Downtime

Our microneedling procedure requires minimal recovery time, allowing you to return to your daily activities swiftly. With careful post-treatment care, any skin redness or sensitivity subsides within a few days, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.

Microneedling: How it Works

Microneedling is a revolutionary skin treatment that harnesses the body's natural healing mechanisms to improve skin health and aesthetics. The process involves creating controlled micro-injuries on the skin using a medical-grade device, triggering a repair response that leads to enhanced collagen production. This process significantly improves skin texture, reduces wrinkles, and helps in scar treatment.

During the procedure, we apply topical gels, creams, and serums that penetrate deep into the skin through the created micro-channels, thereby maximizing their effectiveness. Microneedling isn't limited to specific areas; it can be used all over the body. However, common treatment areas include the face, neck, and chest. By understanding the process, clients can appreciate the transformative power of microneedling and its ability to rejuvenate their skin.

woman with healthy skin
woman with healthy skin

Your Treatment: Pre and Post Care

Before your microneedling session at Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we guide you through a set of pre-treatment instructions, which include avoiding certain medications, skin treatments, and outlining skincare routines to ensure optimal results. During the consultation, we clarify what to expect from the procedure, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.

Post-treatment care is equally crucial for healing and achieving desired results. Immediately after the procedure, a hyaluronic mask and moisturizer are applied to soothe your skin. We provide detailed instructions on managing potential side effects, and when you can return to normal activities. It's important to remember that skin health improvement continues for up to six months post-treatment as collagen production is ongoing. Follow-up treatments and personalized care plans are also discussed to maintain long-term skin health.

a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .
a woman is getting a facial treatment at a beauty salon .


At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we believe in keeping our clients informed. Here are some frequently asked questions about our microneedling services to help you understand the procedure better.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How many sessions will I need to see visible results?

    The number of microneedling sessions required varies depending on individual skin concerns and desired outcomes. However, most clients notice visible improvement after the first session itself. For more comprehensive results, particularly for issues like acne scarring, fine lines, and wrinkles, a series of 3-5 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart is typically recommended. During your consultation, we'll assess your skin and discuss your goals to create a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs.

  • Is the microneedling procedure painful?

    Microneedling involves creating tiny punctures in the skin, which may sound intimidating, but we take every measure to ensure client comfort. Before the procedure, a topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area to minimize any discomfort. Most clients describe the sensation as a light vibration or a slight prickling feeling. Post-procedure, you might experience some redness and sensitivity similar to a mild sunburn, but this usually subsides within a few days. We provide detailed post-care instructions to help manage these temporary effects and promote swift healing.

  • What should I expect during my first appointment?

    Your first microneedling appointment begins with a detailed consultation where we discuss your skin concerns, treatment goals, and medical history. This helps us tailor the procedure to your specific needs. After the consultation, we cleanse your skin and apply a numbing cream to ensure comfort during the procedure. The microneedling process itself takes about 30 minutes, during which a device with fine needles is moved across your skin, creating micro-punctures. After the procedure, we apply a soothing hyaluronic mask and moisturizer to your skin. We'll also provide you with post-care instructions and schedule any necessary follow-up appointments. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we strive to make your microneedling experience as comfortable and beneficial as possible.

Hear from Our Happy Customers

Your Journey to Flawless Skin Starts Here!

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of microneedling? At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we're committed to helping you achieve your skin health goals. By booking an appointment with us, you're taking a significant step towards healthier, more radiant skin.  Don't wait to give your skin the attention it deserves. Schedule your consultation today and embark on your journey to improved skin health and confidence!

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