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Nurse Practitioner NP-PHC:

Anna Pelleboer

Fat Dissolving Injections

At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we provide advanced fat dissolving injections, designed to effectively diminish unwanted fat deposits, such as 'double chin', for a refined and rejuvenated appearance. Trust our expert providers for optimal, personalized aesthetic results.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her neck .
a woman in a strapless top is smiling and looking at the camera .

Understanding Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat dissolving injections are a breakthrough aesthetic treatment used to eliminate stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. These injections work by breaking down the fat cells, allowing the body to naturally flush them out over time. One key ingredient often used is Deoxycholic acid, particularly effective in treating submental fat or 'double chin'.

While this is its primary application, these injections can also be used off-label to treat other areas of the body with excess fat. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we customize this innovative treatment to address your unique aesthetic needs.

a woman is getting a botox injection in her neck .
a woman without a shirt is smiling and looking up .

Benefits of Our Fat Dissolving Injections

Targeted Fat Reduction

Fat dissolving injections offer the advantage of targeted fat reduction in areas resistant to diet and exercise. This precision allows for a more contoured and refined appearance, enhancing your natural features.

Non-Surgical Solution

As a non-surgical treatment, fat dissolving injections minimize downtime and discomfort. This makes it an excellent option for those seeking effective fat reduction without the risks and recovery time associated with surgical procedures.

Long-Lasting Results

The results of fat dissolving injections are long-lasting. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they cannot regenerate, leading to enduring improvement in treated areas when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Your Treatments: What to Expect

Your journey to a more refined appearance with fat dissolving treatments at Cambridge Skin and Wellness typically involves an average of two to six sessions for optimal results. During each session, our experienced providers will carefully administer the injections, a process that usually takes less than an hour. Some discomfort may be experienced, but we take all necessary measures to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

Post-treatment, you may notice some swelling or bruising, which is a normal response and should subside within a few days. We provide detailed aftercare instructions to manage these side effects and expedite recovery. Our team is always available to address any concerns or questions you may have during your treatment journey, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience.

the woman is wearing a white tank top and a ponytail .
the woman is wearing a white tank top and a ponytail .

Preparing for Your Treatment & Beyond

As you prepare for your fat dissolving injection appointment, there are specific steps to ensure a successful treatment. We recommend avoiding certain medications and topical products days before your appointment, including aspirin, certain herbal supplements, and anti-aging products. Pre-appointment skincare is also crucial, and we advise against waxing or using hair removal creams on the treatment area. Pain management is important, and taking Tylenol an hour before your appointment can help. Post-procedure care guidelines will be provided to ensure optimal results and comfort.

At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, our commitment is to provide personalized care and high-quality medical aesthetic treatments. Our team of experienced medical providers offers expert advice and designs individualized treatment plans to meet your unique aesthetic needs. We invite you to book a consultation to experience our dedicated service and professional excellence.

a woman is getting a neck massage at a spa .
a woman is getting a neck massage at a spa .


We understand that you may have questions about our fat dissolving injections service at Cambridge Skin and Wellness. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision about your aesthetic journey.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Us
  • How quick are the results from fat dissolving injections?

    The timeline for visible results following fat dissolving injections can vary significantly among individuals, largely depending on factors like the size of the treatment area and the individual's metabolic rate. On average, most patients start to notice a difference after two to four treatments. It's important to note that these injections work by gradually breaking down fat cells, which your body then naturally processes and eliminates over time. This process isn't instantaneous and requires patience. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we provide comprehensive follow-up care, monitor your progress, and keep you informed about what to expect at each stage of your treatment journey.

  • Are fat dissolving injections safe?

    Yes, when administered by a trained and experienced professional, fat dissolving injections are considered safe. At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, patient safety is our top priority. Our team of highly trained medical providers strictly adheres to established protocols and best practices in administering these treatments. Before starting any treatment, we conduct a thorough consultation to assess your overall health, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine your suitability for the procedure. We also take this opportunity to discuss any potential risks or side effects associated with the treatment. While side effects are generally minimal and temporary, they can include swelling, bruising, numbness, redness, and discomfort at the injection site.

  • Can fat dissolving injections replace diet and exercise?

    While fat dissolving injections are an effective method to eliminate stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, they should not be considered a substitute for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These treatments are best used as a complement to a balanced diet and regular physical activity. They help refine and contour areas of the body that don't respond well to traditional weight loss methods. After undergoing treatment, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to preserving the results. Our team at Cambridge Skin and Wellness is committed not only to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals but also to providing guidance on maintaining your results post-treatment through a combination of healthy habits and potential follow-up treatments.

Hear from Our Happy Customers

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat: Book Your Appointment Today!

Ready to bid farewell to stubborn fat and embrace a more contoured, confident you? At Cambridge Skin and Wellness, we're committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Our team of experienced medical providers is ready to guide you through every step of your journey. Start by booking a consultation for our fat dissolving injections service. Don't wait to make the change you've been dreaming of - book your appointment today and let us help you reveal your best self.

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